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The Blog I Have to Write---Guns

I've had it! I can't stomach another prayer vigil. Another Go-Fund-Me site for families to bury their children. Another analysis of someone's mental health problems or discussion about arming teachers.

If you don't think the GUN PROBLEM is related to EverythingHealth, think again.

  • Guns are the leading cause of death for US children!

  • Gun fatalities increased by 87.1% since 2011.

  • There have been more than 385 mass shootings in the US in 2024.

    (Whats a mass shooting? One that involves four or more people)

  • More than 50 people are killed each day by a gun.

  • There were 937 unintentional shootings so far this year.

  • Gun suicide claims more than 25,000 people in the US each year.

  • Gun violence is the leading cause of premature death in the US.

  • The Surgeon General says Firearm Violence is a public health crisis in America.

Yeah...I've had it! From the trauma bay in our Nations emergency rooms to the frenzied coverage of mass shootings, to the mountin of suicide deaths by gun owners; the scourge of guns needs to be addressed and corralled.

The NRA says doctors should "Stay in your lane". THIS IS MY LANE. I don't care if you are a Republican, a Trumpster, a Democrat or even a person who has bowed out of politics because "It doesn't concern you". If you are a human, this subject affects you.

Gun violence is preventable and the majority of Americans want stricter laws. A small minority of gun dealers sell the majority of guns used in crime. The gun industry is uniquely protected from oversight and accountability. We must repeal these special protections and pass legislation that addresses the supply of guns into comunities.

We must pass extreme risk laws as an effective tool for family members to remove guns from a person in a mental or behavioral health crisis. We need a national standard; not a state by state disregard that puts kids in Georgia or Mississippi at risk for just attending school.

We must ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines except for use in the military. The assault weapon ban ended in 2004. Since then we have had Sandy Hook, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, Uvalde, Texas, the Buffalo Grocery attaqck, Las Vegas massacre, Robb elementary school, Aurora and Dayton schools, Sutherland Springs and El Paso. All used high capacity magazines to murder. These guns do 10X the damage of a pistol or rifle. All with rapid fire.

We must expand background checks to include ALL GUN SALES. (gun shows, online). Eighty percent of guns used in crimes are bought from unlicensed sellers. 80-90% of people, including gun owners, support expanding background checks. Why isn't it law?

If you want a single issue to vote on that would improve the health and longevity of families, children, fellow citizens, police officers, school teachers and physicians (who are seriously burned out in our emergency departments) this is it. Vote for politicians that promise to enact sane gun laws.

JD vance says "School shootings are a fact of life". No they arent. Policy choices matter. Congress needs to do better.


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